Would you like to advertise in the Mail Online?

Well, wonder of wonders.  Today I have been approached to see if I would like to advertise BootandBike in, wait for it, the MailOnline!

Perhaps they thought that BootandBike was some kind of S&M, or that it contained pictures of scantily-clad teenage girls astride bicycles, or hiking across the hills wearing little but a pair of walking boots.  Or maybe (hopefully) they have lost so many major advertisers they are desperate enough to approach the likes of BootandBike.

Whatever, here’s my reply to the email from WebWindows


Hi Jenni,

Interesting to hear from you.

Given that BootandBike:

  • actively promotes sustainable travel – including campaigning against the scrapping of the fuel levy and in favour of higher duties on aviation
  • fights against transport poverty and opposes the power of the motor transport lobby
  • supports all forms of renewable energy (including windfarms)
  • promotes inclusiveness (amongst all sections of our society)
  • campaigns actively against blood sports and badger culls
  • supports the right to roam
  • values our public services
  • believes tax avoidance should be pursued as actively as benefit fraud
  • is run by a woman (who doesn’t clean behind the fridge and whose father and uncles fought against fascism)
  • doesn’t believe that all our ills are/have been caused by immigrants, benefit scroungers and Gordon Brown

then I’m not so sure if advertising in the bigoted, mendacious mouthpiece of Paul Dacre (or, indeed, that of the tax-exiled Barclay brothers) would be quite such a good fit.

But thanks for getting in touch.





Hi Bootandbike,I hope you don’t mind me getting in touch again, but I emailed yesterday about a special offer for a banner ad: One month Daily Mail banner campaign just £475

Did you get a moment to have a look?I’m around for most of the day, so let me know if it’s of interest – possibly the Daily Telegraph might be more appealing?

Kind regards,Jenni

T: 01733 821930 | www.webwindows.co.uk

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